Canada Division Celebrates 2023 Award Recipients

The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada (CGIC) celebrated its 2023 award winners on June 20, 2023, in conjunction with their AGM.

Michel Chenier, FCG, P.Adm., Acc.Dir. (QC) received the Distinguished Professional Service Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the Governance profession.

Michel Chenier is a Canadian Businessman who worked in Canada and foreign countries mainly in the Cooperative movement. He introduced 78 delegations to the Cooperative model in order to sprout fair trade businesses in many emerging countries that raise the standard of living of local populations. If Michel’s commitment to the cooperative movement has never wavered, his reputation is just as established in the world of community action, because his interventions have often made it possible to exceed fundraising objectives for Centraide Prescott-Russell, the Montfort Hospital Foundation, and the Bons Voisins Food Bank.

William Fung, ACG, Acc.Dir. (BC) received the Outstanding Branch Member Award in recognition of his contributions within the British Columbia Branch which have been significant and noteworthy.

William has always gone “above and beyond” in his efforts to support the BC Branch Council. In addition to providing exceptionally diligent Secretary-Treasurer services, William is always willing to volunteer to provide extra duties. He is very eloquent in his writing and always puts great thought into the ideas that he brings forward. He also volunteers at the National level on the Education, Training & Candidate Success Committee; the Assessment Review Panel; the Subject Advisory Committee; the Membership Growth & Services Committee, and the Higher Education working group. William’s dedication to The Chartered Governance Institute is unparalleled and deserves recognition.

Revathy Kumar, ACG (ON) received the Rising Star Award in recognition of significant career potential within the first five years of achieving Associate Chartered Status.

Revathy has great experience in governance, having been an integral part of Board-room conversations and having worked closely with Chief Experience Officers. She is committed, approachable, strategic, creative, confident, and bold, and displays the true traits of a successful Compliance leader. The Compliance function led by Revathy focuses its efforts on thinking of ways to make sure that the Compliance programs are meaningful, relevant, understandable, and more importantly, sustainable, while giving adequate consideration to time-tested principles and guidelines. She has performed exceptionally in bringing in approaches that nudge internal stakeholders to consider Compliance as a value-add.

Joshua Young, ACG (BC) and David Weston, FCG, P.Adm. (BC) were presented with a 50-year long-standing member awards recognizing 50 years of Chartered membership.

Additionally, 15 individuals were presented with a 25-year long-standing member awards recognizing 25 years of Chartered membership. Recipients include:

Diane Pettie, FCG (AB)

Chendong Lin, FCG (BC)

Rochelle Soza, ACG (BC)

Wisdom Ncube, FCG, Acc.Dir. (BC)

Jeannette Wiltse, FCG (ON)

Scott Hawkes, FCG (ON)

Janis Riven, FCG, P.Adm., Acc.Dir. (QC)

Wayne Morgan, FCG, P.Adm. (Bermuda)

Angela Robinson, ACG (Barbados)

Dexter Moe, ACG (Barbados)

Juanita Thorington-Powlett, FCG (Barbados)

Margaret Blackman, FCG (Barbados)

Richard Estwick, ACG (Barbados)

Claudia Francis, ACG, Acc.Dir. (Grenada)

Marie-Therese Amenechi, ACG (US)

CGIC extends our congratulations to all of our 2023 award recipients!